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Letter From CEO

By Chris Pew on

Last week, in an effort to engage our community, I wrote the below letter to the customers on our email list. The response was overwhelmingly positive and I'm truly grateful for everyone's input (if I haven't responded to you yet, I will soon!). We're so fortunate to have such a thoughtful and engaged community. With the hopes of widening our circle of community and bring new feedback to our understanding of diversity and inclusion in snow sports, I'm posting that letter here, on our blog.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Like a lot of individuals and companies, we paused our normal operations to show solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement and to take the time to discuss as a team, what this all means to us and how we can help. We issued a statement on our website, from all of us, which you can read here.

What comes next? We're a small company, most things that we decide to do have commercial intent: how can we keep the lights on and, hopefully, grow as a business? But we're also a group of individuals that care deeply for our community and our planet. This feels like a moment where we just need to do the work, have conversations, listen, and grow as humans. A path will illuminate. 

We exist to serve our customers: to create, for you, the best apparel for backcountry skiing and snowboarding, to inspire you to climb mountains and find deep snow, and to offer you a real community. In that spirit, I am here to listen to you. Share your thoughts, your beliefs, and your feedback. Together we can make this community better.  

Send me an email: Use the subject "feedback." I look forward to hearing from you.


Chris Pew, Co-founder and CEO

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