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Getting to Know the TREW Crew, Jordan Meier

By Jess Joyner on

Meet Jordan Meier. If you've ever interacted with TREW through our website or customer service, you've probably talked to this amazing human right here. When not spreading the TREWth to our rad customer base, you can find Jordan chasing powder on local volcanoes, foraging for forest snacks, studying for a psychology degree, playing guitar, and snuggling their cats. 

And now for a little Q&A with Jordan!

Home Town?

Portland, OR


Bird, Jbird, Jojo

How do you celebrate pride and what does it mean to you?

As someone who came out later in life, I think for me it’s important to recognize and learn about all of the history surrounding LGBTQIA+ rights in this country and the world over. I am minoring in Sexuality, Gender and Queer studies, so I have been able to learn so much. I think it is also very important to amplify trans and BIPOC queers as well- particularly with all of the bills currently being passed and proposed in this country. This pride, I am celebrating with my now wife, and we are going to take a trip to NYC for pride weekend which I am so, so excited to do!

Where/when did you learn how to ski or snowboard?

I learned to ski as a very young kiddo in California (Mammoth), and while I tried snowboarding a few times as a teen, it didn’t really stick until 2016 or so. I taught myself to snowboard at Mt. Hood Meadows! I am now a proud convert and love boarding!

Item(s) you never leave home without?

Chapstick, sunglasses.

Dawn or dusk patrol?

I am not at all a morning person, so dusk lol.

Perfect day on snow, go!

Bluebird, ideally powder, but if not powder then some good packed powder/groom.

What's your favorite smell?

Daphne flowers!

Pineapples on pizza, yay or nay?

That’s a no from me, dawg.

If you didn't work at TREW, where do you think you'd be working and what would you be doing?

I am currently chugging along through my undergrad in Psychology. I want to be able to help people, especially queer and trans youth.

If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go, who would you bring, and what would you do?

I am moving to Ireland in two months with my wife and our dog, so I would say - Ireland with my wife so we can continue our studies and travel around Europe. 

Any organizations that we should know about?

Prism Health in Portland is a great local organization that provides healthcare and gender affirming care for LGBTQ+ folks, Free STI testing, and lot's of resources. They are super rad.


Thanks Jordan!

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