TREW To You Application Details

Here is a complete look at what is included in our TREW To You Season 3 application:
- Please provide a summary of the film you plan to make.
- What does the theme ‘Switch’ mean to you and to the film you want to create?
- Are there any films that you will be pulling inspiration from (stylistically, story, etc.)
- Where will you film (geographic area, state, specific resort)?
- Are you available during the filming and editing windows?
- Filming Window February 1, 2024 - April 1, 2024
- Editing Window April 1, 2024 - May 15, 2024
- Final Film Due May 15, 2024
- Why should we choose your team and why does this project matter to you?
- What is your previous experience creating films?
- What editing software will you use to make your film and do you have experience creating films using this platform?
- Do you have experience building a concept and executing? [yes/no]
- Are you familiar with exporting / delivering a video project to spec? [yes/no]
- Do you have experience color grading? [yes/no]
- Do you have experience with sound design, mixing audio levels, etc.? [yes/no]
- What filming equipment do you plan to use to capture your film? Please provide specifics about camera, drone, sound equipment, etc.
- Do you have access to all the tools you need to make the film you are pitching?
- What is Your Geographic Location [East Coast, West Coast, Midwest, Mountain West, Alaska, Canada, Other]
- Home State/Province of your film [if you have riders from all over, please select one state/province]
- How many people are on your team? Teams can be made up of 2-5 people, which should include all featured riders, filmers, editors etc.*
- What is your team name?
- What sort of riding will be shown in your film? [ski, snowboard, tele ski, something else - choose all that apply]
- What type of terrain do you anticipate riding in the film? [backcountry, on resort, park, urban, other - choose all that apply]
- Summarize your teams riding style and background
- For all team members: Name, Email, Age, Role on the Team (rider, filmer, editor, etc.), IG handle, Any sponsors we should know about?
- For elected team captain, we will ask for shipping address + phone number so that we can have all gear and $1k startup check to you.
- Pitch Deck: Please share a short pitch deck (5 slide max) for the film you would like to make. 50MB file size max.
- Creative Reel: Please share an example reel/video that shows your skills creating films. 50MB file size max.
- Riding Reel: Please share an example reel/video showing your teams skiing/riding ability. 50MB file size max.
If you run into any questions or run into any issues with submitting your application, contact Jess at
NOTE: If you run into any issues with uploading files, please fully submit your application and then send Jess an email with your files (and their team name) and she will be able to add them to your application manually.