Getting to Know the TREW Crew, Andrew Gale
Posté par Katherine Donnelly le

The newest addition the the TREW Crew, Andrew heads up the TREW Customer Service and has become a fast friend and member of the family with his contagiously positive attitude and his passion for interacting with the thumbs up community.
You can thank him for the stellar support online, fit and sizing recommendations, warranty help, and really all things customer-experience related, as he's been an instrumental part of the ongoing work we do here at TREW to continually make the site, the products, and the overall workflows behind the scenes better.
Take a minute to learn more about Andrew via the quick Q&A below, and know that if you ever need assistance when shopping TREW you can trust this guy to give you the best service around.

Home Town?
I grew up in Oregon, OH, a suburb of Toledo. Today I call Kingfield, Maine home.
None to really speak of any more. There was a time in high school when I went by 'Giggles' for the heavy fits of laughter I would get into!
Where/when did you learn how to ski or snowboard?
I skied a couple times a year at Alpine Valley outside of Detroit when growing up. After a Spinal Cord injury, I learned that Maine Adaptive offered free sit skiing lessons at Sugarloaf and Sunday River. My Partner had already been an instructor at Sugarloaf previously, so I came up, took a job in guest services, and we have called this area home ever since.
Item(s) you never leave home without?
Water bottle, pants, and a swimsuit in the summertime. Only the real necessities obviously!
Dawn or dusk patrol?
Dawn for sure, although in December it's pretty easy to catch both here in Maine.
Perfect day on snow, go!
Uffda. Probably opening the day in the spring to catch some crisp snow with a full mug of coffee. Get a few laps in with lots of laughs then head down to the river or Pnd with our Canoes. It may not be a full day on snow, but there is something that is just a little extra special in the spring time and splitting the time between the different ways we slide around on water.
What's your favorite smell?
Humid cool spring or fall mornings when the dew is just lifting. There is nothing like it and lifts my spirit immediately!
Secret talent?
Extra long cold water swims.
Pineapples on pizza, yay or nay?
Pretty neutral here. The real treat is Artichokes and Arugula.
If you didn't work at TREW, where do you think you'd be working and what would you be doing?
Much of the last 5 years I spent time working for ski areas and the USFS. I suspect I would still be doing one of these options if not with TREW.
If you could go anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go, who would you bring, and what would you do?
I have dreams of Canoeing some of the inlets and passages of the Central BC coast, so it would probably be somewhere in that region!
Anything else we should know about you?
Hmm. I suppose that I'm fully committed to the 'Thumbs up' and 'High Fives' mentality out on the hill. Let's keep these attitudes spreading!
Favorite TREW products right now?
I lived in my Up Jack last summer and Fall, and have really enjoyed my Tatoosh Jacket and Bib this winter in Maine. For resort use, the Tatoosh kit has been a stellar option to minimize the additional layers that I need to bring with me for a long day on the hill.
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