THE RESULTS: 2024 Fit & Sizing Survey Highlights
publicado por Andrew Gale el

^That feeling when you find the perfect fit.
Coming for the deep dive?
Below are the highlights of our 2024 Fit and Sizing survey.
With 142 respondents, some questions (ex: Fitted and Kitted) have been omitted here that we did not feel captured the whole picture from our community. Hopefully we can gather more data soon and expand here!
These results were very informative, despite the lower response rate than some other surveys that we have conducted. Overall these results provided great reference points for us as we update our sizing tools. We had been eyeing some updates based on feedback throughout the year, and monitoring return/exchange rates, and many of these responses line up well with our feelings that we don’t need to reinvent the ski, but maybe we can offer it a good tune up.
*starred questions below were not mutually exclusive and do not add up to 100%
Who took the survey
142 total respondents
- Gender
- 67% Male
- 32.4% Female
- 1% Prefer not to Say
- Age
- 28.2% 50-29
- 24.6% 40-49
- 16.9% 60+
- 13.4% 35-39
- 10.6% 29-34
- 4.2% 24-28
General Fit + Sizing Questions
When you try on your outerwear for the first time at home, do you try it on with the rest of your ski/ride stuff (including boots, layers, etc.) before making the 'yes or no' decision?
- 65.5% Yes
- 27.5% No, but I probably should
- 7% No, Why would I do that?
- 59.2% Height and weight of Models
- 80.3% Siding guide, focused on measurements
- 21.8% Direct communication with team members
- 76.8% Customer Reviews
- 9.2% Recommendations from a friend
- 18.3% Regardless of brand, I generally stick to a standard size
- 48.6% Model Height
- 50% Model Weight
- 61.3% Model Body Measurements
- 21.1% Model Size Preference
- 69% Fit (I like something a little more form fitting, a little more relaxed, etc.)
- 58.5% Layering (I need room to layer for the frigid days)
- 50.7% Use/Function (I spend most of my time touring and need something that can move with me, etc.)
- 42.3% Body Shape (With larger hips I need to size up so these bibs fit around my middle)
Do you own any TREW Gear Outerwear?
- 77.5% Yes
- 17.6% No
- 4.9% I have tried on/purchased TREW Outerwear but returned or didn’t purchase
Key Section Findings: While we would have loved to have higher turnout overall, it was great to see that more than 80% of participants owned or have tried on TREW Gear. All insights are useful, but it’s nice to know that many respondents have experienced TREW’s fit and sizing tools.
TREW Gear Fit + Sizing

Key Section Findings: This section provided good insights to whether the general descriptions of fit and design are being accurately communicated and that sizing tools are being utilized. There was some crossover between the first section and this, and we found it very informative that the second most referenced location for sizing is in our reviews. Additionally, this section showed us that while not wildly off base, we do have room to improve our sizing tools.
TREW's Online Experience

Key Section Findings: We feel as though we can improve the organization of information on our website and how it is presented using the above information and feedback provided in some extended response questions within this section. Even if only 18% of customers feel our sizing information can be more accessible, this is an important area to improve.
On the continuous journey to making our online experience better so that you can spend less time worrying and more time doing this...

In conclusion...for now...
This Fit and Sizing survey was a great window into the user experience of the Fit and Sizing tools on TREW’s website. While we've had ideas of where we feel improvements can be made, the survey was a great window to confirm that we were on the right track. Using the data from this survey, and feedback from throughout the year, we will be working on the following actionable items in the coming weeks:
Sizing Tools
- Enhanced Size Guides/Charts
- Elaborated Model Measurements
- Update to collected information, site display, and overall organization of product reviews
- Improving access and knowledge about Fitted and Kitted
Fit and Flow
- Establish a function to direct customers to an immediate product recommendation based on uses
- Filters and sort functions on collection pages allowing to filter by use or other attribute(s)
- Improved product model communication, or illustrations to accurately communicate the fit and function of products
With all changes happening to an online shop, some may work better than others. We will not be reinventing anything, and hopefully can make meaningful updates that lower your return and exchange rates. We will absolutely keep our eyes and ears open as we make these adjustments looking for continued feedback and improvements. Every return or exchange we can avoid is the potential for one more adventure in the mountains, spreading the TREWth. Keep us updated on your experience.
>> RELATED CONTENT: The 2024 Product Survey Results <<
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